Friday, May 14, 2010

AP Test

Well the free response questions have been released. The initial glance tells me that they were significantly easier as a whole than in previous years. This could be good news or bad. Good in that the students came out feeling really confident (which they should) but bad because the scores are always standardized with = numbers of 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's and 5's so even little nitpicky things might have a large impact on whether a student gets a 2, 3 or 4. This isn't really fair in indicating how well they know chemistry. Oh well. I should find out how my students towards the end of the summer. I don't get to see what the multiple choice questions are but I will see how they were broken down content wise and what scores my students got on them so that I can adjust my teaching for next year.
Last year my students did worse on the free response section so my focus was on improving here but I'm worried I may not have prepared them for the MC as much as I wanted.

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