Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How to post

So I guess there were some problems with trying to post responses so here are some directions.

1. Click on the title of the post you want to respond to.

2. Write your response.

3. Under the comment as: choose name/url. Then put in your name. (don't woryy about the url you can leave it blank.)

4. Hit post. It will then probably ask for a word verification which you retype.

5. Hit post again and voila it should be set.

Sorry this is such a pain. I'm sure thre is an easier way, as well as a way so you don't have to go through this every time, but I haven't played with it enough to find out. So as I mentioned in my emails, don't feel like you have to post. It won't hurt my feelings.

Finally I just wanted to give some props to my brother in law for his fun this past thanksgiving.


Donna said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. Now we can get many new pictures of Denali.

Unknown said...

Look forward to more.

Judy said...

wanted to see if it works.