Saturday, January 22, 2011

still here

Wow, seems like forever since I last posted. It's Sat morning and I'm in the process of getting ready for class. Starting yesterday morning I started to get the chest itch. It is now full blown aches, slight fever and a deep cough. Thank god for dayquil. 3:00 can't come fast enough.

Beth has also begun her program and will be meeting for her classes on Tuesday evenings. I'm happy for her but sad that I'll miss a night a week with her. :)


Your sis said...

The cold weather is coming in too. We've gotten wo feet of snow in the last week. I want to play before if gets too cold. :)

We love you.

Your Mom said...


Mr. Richey said...

Oh My. I feel like death warmed over. seriously high fever off and on, cough, runny nose aches and I swear it looks like I've turned into a raccoon. I have huge black circles around both eyes.

Judy said...

sounds like you might want to go and get some medicine from the doctor. Get well quick.

Mr. Richey said...

On the road to recovery. Still have a lingering cough and head congestion, but fever, chills and aches are gone. Ribs are wicked sore from coughing. I'll be taking tomorrow off for one more day of recovery.

On a bad note, beth is feeling achy and has a sore throat (something I did not have)

When it rains it pours.