Saturday, December 5, 2009

After coming home last night from the hockey game, I was a bit surprised to see a dark shape up in the apple tree about 5 feet from me. As my eyes adjusted to the "lack of?' light. I saw that it was a large Barred Owl. As I moved towards the porch it took off. Pretty cool, and it can have all the mice it can catch. I haven't heard it calling at all, but it must be living around back. (Maybe in that tree that blew down and its looking for a new home now.)

Anyways, today was a day filled with shopping. It started at 9:00 at the Colchester craft fair then we hit the scuba store to get my tanks inspected, followed by lots of x-mas shopping. Got some done, but there is still a bit to go. Hopefully this next week.

Speaking of this next week, I was asked to give a speech for the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony on Wednesday. I'm honored, but still not sure what I'm going to say. Tomorrow will be dedicated to writing a speech, getting the small tree up downstairs, and getting the train up and running.


Mom Richey said...

Could this owl actually belong to Harry Potter and friends??? It must be cool to see it up close.
As for your speech - think back to when you were inducted and what it meant to you.

Dad said...

I guess the owl could be a hazard for Denali? One idea for the speech might be on good ethics. Using your education for helping others, volunteer work, etc. and poor examples would be Tiger.