Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another week

Man this year is already crankin on by. I'm getting ready for spirit week for week one of October. Very busy with grad class work both for my curriculum course as well as my action research. Looks like my lit review is taking a hit right now until it settles a bit.

I also had my second rehab gym. It went well, stretches appear to be helping. Added a couple more along with core stability exercises. Think Deep abdominal muscle building. Lots of squats, leg presses and yoga like balancing stretch outs with alternating arm and leg while kneeling while crunching the gut. Yikes.... it's a process. Good news is that because I am so awesome I get to go two weeks before returning.

I did find my true goal though. You can see it in this highly motivational video. Paula I am sure you will appreciate this.

On a more serious note we are going to have a motivational speaker come to school next week who looks pretty good. Here's a sample;

1 comment:

your sis said...

I am rather sick, and running is on hold. Wish me well soon.