Saturday, August 7, 2010


We had a beautiful day today. Mowed the lawn, cleaned up the canoe, played the guitar and enjoyed a great grilled steak dinner with a nice cherry pie Beth made.

The only downside was for Denali who is in the middle of her invisible fence training. She is starting to get skittish around me and isn't psyched to go outside and play. I feel so bad when she gets the zap, On the plus side I KNOW it's working and she is learning quick.


Your Mom said...

Dad wants some pie and ice cream. Looks yummy!

Your sis said...

Poor puppy. If it works though- that would be awesome.

Aunt Judy said...

Are these your cherries?

Mr. Richey said...

Not our Cherries. While our trees flowered like crazy we got very few cherries which the birds and worms got. Lack of bee's at fault I believe.