Friday, October 7, 2011


So Beth and I have been absolutely crazy busy and will probably contiue to be. Here's a recap:

1. My graduate work is progressing but the amount of work per time given to do it is getting increasingly insane.
2. Beth's graduate work... well if you see what I just wrote about mine, then you get the idea.
3. Spirit week was an absolute success. My seniors won every contest. The banner they made was awesome. Picture to come later.

Beth and I will be taking tomorrow off for ourselves. Heading out for a fall hike in the Adirondacks followed by a Lake Placid dinner. We need it.

Tonight I played in the first coffeehouse of the year. It was my choice for the song. Because of this I was actually supposed to sing as well (that's usually what is done) but I convinced them that this was not a good idea. Surprisingly this was harder to do than you would think. Anyway I had fun. The shoes I am wearing are my Ape slippers. It fit well. I was going to upload the video on the blog here but have decided to simply give the link to my youtube channel. I have a few other videos I am in linked there.

Have fun

1 comment:

your sis said...

Really great. Which guitar was that? The Ibanez? It sounds great! (A lot to do with you of course... )