Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Un freakin believable

All right, so I took today off to get some rest. Great idea. I'm really starting to feel better. I still have my cough and a little runny nose but not bad. So of course I decide to go out and get the mail today. First step down the deck and whoosh. Both feet go up in the air and I come down HARD back first right on the stairs. Wicked pain, sore back and now I'm sitting in a school desk chair finishing one of my grad classes. Brutal. The only thing worse is going to be how much more it will hurt the next couple of days.


Your sis said...

Uggh. I have done that too. Feel better and know we love you. (By the way- the Capsaicin creams work as well as BenGay. My doctor suggested it and it lasted a lot longer.)

Your Mom said...

I hurt for you!!!!

Judy said...

Sorry to hear that news. Take care of yourself.