So at the request of my better half I had my first physical in like 6 years today.
good news: glad I'm exercising, iron numbers/anemia reduction looking better, blood sugar is great so no diabetes, and while I still need to do a fasting blood work, it looks like cholesterol and blood pressure are good, and the vericose veins on my ankles are probably just genetics and superficial.
not so good news: my weight... go figure, my wheezing (Dr. thinks it's a resurgence of my asthma while I think it's just a chest cold I picked up the past couple of days), my lower back mobility is all but non-existant, my throat might have some scarring issues which is causing some of the food/ choking issues.
Recommendations: continue with exercise, eat better, continue meds, next time I see my gastro doctor have him consider an upper GI inspection and check on the throat thing (easy fix if this is what it is), a dose of albuterol for the wheezing, and finally a scheduled therapy with REHAB GYM for working on my back (exercises, stretches etc...)
Final result? In some ways better than expected, in others not as well as I would like. I guess I am the most relieved about the diabetes thing as I don't want to go down that road if possible. The other piece that hits home is how many health aspects relate to the weight issues. I've gotta keep motivated. Beth and I have done absolutely great the last few weeks. The challenge now is to continue as school starts up.