Well tomorrow is NECAP testing day in science. This is the statewide test. We have been spending a few of the last classes prepping students. This test is crazy. It tests 4 years of science content in three years. They deliberately set up multiple choice to confuse students for instance a sample question might be:
Which of the following would not be the least effective way of successfully increasing the force of gravity on an object?: with choices including either lowering it closer to the ground
or raising it higher. While our students understand the concept of gravity, they have a good chance of choosing wrong simply because of the confusing way the question was asked. Needless to say the State doesn't understand why the average scores in VT, NH and RI. show that only 30% meet the minimum standard. Hmm I wonder. This is neglecting the idea that giving a mandatory statewide test to juniors during the week before prom and two weeks before the end of school may not be the best way to motivate students. Oh well enough on that rant.
On a better note with school, we had our second budget vote today and it passed. (The bad news was we got hit pretty hard at the high school.) Two FTE science teachers were cut although a teacher from the middle school will transfer over. Big time drama around this that I'll post later.
The good news is that my b-day guitar arrived yesterday and all looks good. I tuned it and gave it the once over just to make sure there were no problems then put it away for my actual birthday. Can't wait.